Tuesday Obituary: Aaron Bushnell
Born on the last day of June in 1998, he exchanged his life in protest one year ago today, on February 25, 2024.
Friday Crossword XXII: Rock the Casbah
If it were easy it wouldn't be fun.
The Best Images Tagged "Bobtail Squid" in the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Archive
Each morning, the nocturnal Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes, hides from predators by digging into the sand. At dusk, it leaves the sand again to hunt.
(A Very Special) Friday Crossword XXI: Octultimate Christmas
If it were easy it wouldn't be fun.
Slower Than You’d Almost Want: On Wind Turbines
It feels like glacial movement, like something that is just unnervingly slow, but, you know, it would fuck you up if it hit you.
Will Simpson on the street.
Meet Your Obituarist
I used to be a microbiologist, now I’m regular size.
Beirut and Time
There's no now