If it were easy it wouldn't be fun.
It feels like glacial movement, like something that is just unnervingly slow, but, you know, it would fuck you up if it hit you.
Will Simpson on the street.
I used to be a microbiologist, now I’m regular size.
If it were easy it wouldn't be fun.
"There are just as many queer people in the Arab and Muslim world as there are anywhere else."
These are the kin of that most blessed spider who, during hijra from Mecca to Medina, saved the life of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
If it were easy it wouldn't be fun.
Dr. Andrew Weil convinced Rubin not to remove his infected appendix.
It’s been fifteen years since Bitcoin launched and my eighty-one-year-old uncle brags to me about how much Ethereum he’s got in cold storage.