Tuesday Obituary on a Thursday: Leonard Cohen, Trevor Pinch Dec 14, 2023 Tuesday Obituary I’d texted Trevor that morning to let him know that Cohen had left us. His reply read “Good that he didn’t have to see this!”
Dear Businesslady: Vocation Or Panic? Dec 12, 2023 Dear Businesslady I feel like I'm at a crossroads.
Biggest Debut Fiction Deals of 2034 Dec 5, 2023 fiction According to the emotional logic of 2034 this will morally exculpate the father
Tuesday Obituary: Diego Maradona Nov 28, 2023 Tuesday Obituary Maradona, shoes untied, danced to Opus’ Live is Life, hands on his hips while a completely docile ball sat perfectly still on the greatest head of hair football has ever known.
Dinosaur stuff of the Te Papa Museum in New Zealand, ranked Nov 13, 2023 Coping Mechanisms circa 132-137 million years ago