'The Hairpin' Archive

An ongoing project
This is an ongoing alphabetical list of articles from the site for making into pdfs, generated from your requests:
Most of the following links appear to be gone from the strange crunching jaws that have taken the place of The Hairpin, which currently attributes the iconic post "Laughing Alone With Salad" to a probably fictional guy named James Nolen, not Edith Zimmerman, which is why we are doing this. Many but not all exist on Medium, where The Awl group transferred its content on shuttering.
Longtime fans of this set of web sites you will know that there is a LOT to sift through and that there is a smaller set of legendary texts specifically published on The Hairpin that are privately cited all the time and everybody should get to read. Nor is Medium without its certain concerns.
You are welcome to also email contactthestopgap@gmail.com if you have the original copy or pdf of your own entry.
collaboratively generated list to which PDFs are gradually added:
An HSV Positive Lady
- Reservoir Bitches - Medium
Jim Behrle
Sarah Blackwood
- Parenting By the Books - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: ‘On The Banks of Plum Creek’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: ‘The School Days of an Indian Girl’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: ‘Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: McTeague - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: Slavery’s White Women - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: The Portrait of a Lady - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: ‘Charlotte’s Web’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: James Cameron’s ‘Titanic’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: How To Do Things With Words - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: ‘Little Women’ - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: Kindergarten - PDF
- Parenting by the Books: Cut to the Feeling - PDF
Kerry Cardoza
- Silenced By The Rest Cure - Medium
Durga Chew-Bose
Hazel Cills and Gabrielle Noone
- Snackwave: A Comprehensive Guide To The Internet’s Saltiest Meme - Medium
Nicole Cliffe
- Six Guaranteed Low-Effort Toddler Games - PDF
- On the Happiness of Procreation - PDF
- Getting the Body You've Always Wanted - Medium / PDF
E. J. Dickson
- Bess Myerson, The First Jewish Miss America - Medium
Bobby Finger
- Hate Actually - Medium
Ann Friedman
Emma Healey
- Stories Like Passwords - Medium
Katie Heaney
Jazmine Hughes
- Sisters, Ranked - Medium
- One Big Question: What Do You Want People To Say About You After You’ve Left The Room? - Medium
Jolie Kerr
- Ask a Clean Person: The Basics - Medium
- [All AaCP needs archiving]
Lindsay Miller
- Apologia - PDF
- Dating a Closeted Bi Guy, Discovering a Boob Fetish, and Sleeping With Twins - Medium
- Befriending Your Best Friend’s Girlfriend and Resisting the “One True Sex Act” - Medium
- [All AaQC needs archiving]
Daniel Lavery
nb: All listed under deadname
- So You’ve Decided to Drink More Water - Medium / PDF
- Text Messages From a Ghost - Medium
- Texts From Rebecca - Medium
- Texts From Sweet Valley High - Medium
Rosa Lyster
- The Best Time I Pretended I Hadn’t Heard of Slavoj Žižek - Medium / PDF
- Are You A Round Or A Pointy? - Medium
- Astrology is Fake But Aries Can’t Stop - Medium
- Astrology Is Fake But Scorpios Are Extremely True - Medium
Kelly McClure
- The Best Time I Had Sex in a Cemetery in Broad Daylight - Medium
- A Lady’s Guide to Skype Dating - Medium
Jane Marie
- Women Struggling to Drink Water - PDF
Alexandra Molotkow
- In Defense Of Politeness - Medium
- Does It Matter If They’re Laughing At You? - Medium
- Interview With a Big Dick - Medium
- 32 Horror Movies That Aren’t About Women Being Sex-Murdered - Medium
- “You feel shitty emotionally, there’s just a lot of shame involved, like, it’s really terrible. But what nobody tells you about herpes is that it’s not really that bad.” - PDF
Sarah Miller
Haley Mlotek
- Sometimes Fucking A Bear Is Just Fucking A Bear - Medium
Haley Mlotek and Alexandra Molotkow
- 32 Competent Things Men Do That We Find Sexual, Ranked - Medium
Toni Nagy
- One Weird Trick to Control Your Boyfriend’s Mind (the Trick Is Pouring Juice in His Dickhole) - PDF
Lauren O'Neal
Dolores P
Lola Pellegrino
Anne Helen Peterson
- Scandals of Classic Hollywood
- Cary Grant’s Intimate Bromance - Medium / PDF
- Rita Hayworth, Tragic Princess - Medium / PDF
- Paul Newman, Decency Manifest - Medium / PDF
- The Unheralded Marilyn Monroe - Medium
- Ava Gardner, The Second Look Girl - Medium
- Rock Hudson, Hollywood’s Most Eligible Bachelor - Medium
- Elizabeth Taylor, Black Widow - Medium - PDF
- Marlon Brando’s Dirty Dungarees - Medium / PDF
- Lana Turner, Sweater Girl Gone Bad - Medium / PDF
- Clark Gable, The Scandal that Wasn’t - Medium
- Clara Bow, It Girl - Medium / PDF
- Robert Mitchum, Smokin’ the Dope - Medium
- Dorothy Dandridge vs. The World - Medium
- Ingrid Bergman, Instrument of Evil - Medium / PDF
- The Ecstasy of Hedy Lamarr - Medium / PDF
- The Most Kissable Hands of Pola Negri - Medium
- Robert Redford, Golden Boy - Medium / PDF
- The Many Faces of Barbara Stanwyck - Medium / PDF
- In Like Errol Flynn - Medium
- The Most Wicked Face of Theda Bara - Medium
- Ronald Reagan Plays the President - Medium
- The Gloria Swanson Saga, Part 1 - Medium
- The Gloria Swanson Saga, Part 2 - Medium
- The Exquisite Garbo - Medium
- The Long Suicide of Montgomery Clift - Medium
- Warren Beatty Thinks This Song Is About Him - Medium
Daniel Roberts
- How I Made Friends With the Old Woman Who Lives Below Me - Medium
Fariha Roísín
Jaya Saxena
- The Ultimate Guide To Wearing A Jumpsuit – Tips For Rocking this Versatile Outfit - Medium
- Qooking With Qream
Jaya Saxena and Jazmine Hughes
- What Happens If You Put Placenta on Your Face? - Medium
Arabelle Sicardi
- I Keep On Forgetting My Name - Medium
Erin Sullivan
- On Ice Cream - Medium
Jia Tolentino
- Why I Have To Be So Rude - PDF
- Venice on Silence And Three Euro a Day (technically The Billfold but crossposted) - Medium
Dan Weiss
- I Like Fat Chicks. Questions? - Medium
Edith Zimmerman
- 15 Days to a Better Butt - Medium
- Dickman - Medium
- Hierarchy of Airport Crushes - Medium
- New Fairy Tales - Medium
- A Conversation With a 17th-Century Sorceress - Medium
- Women Laughing Alone With Salad - Medium / PDF
- How to Make Albino Black Widow Spider Deviled Eggs - Medium / PDF
- The “Winter Boyfriend” - Medium / PDF
Jess Zimmerman
- A Guide to Eating Very Particular Feelings, Part I - Medium / PDF
- A Guide to Eating Very Particular Feelings, Part II - Medium / PDF
- A Guide to Eating Very Particular Feelings, Part III - Medium / PDF
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