Children's Games in Breugel's 1560 Painting "Children's Games, Ranked"

I understand it – but I do not want to play it
"The penalty of 'bumbouncing'" (bouncing someone's buttocks on a plank)
Catching insects with a net
Playing the scourge
Pitch and toss
Pushing a wall
Walking on high stilts
Pole vaulting
Bocce ball
I enjoyed this game as a child and it pleases me to think of this activity connecting my childhood with the childhoods of some long-dead Dutch children
Flute and drum
Playing with dolls
Climbing a tree
Wearing masks
Swinging from hanging seat
Toy animal on leash
Walking on short stilts
Playing shop
Put on a show
Crack the whip
I did not play this game and now I am seething with jealousy
Rolling a hoop
Rolling a hoop with bells on it
Mock baptism
Mock tournaments
Building a well
Riding a barrel
Hat throwing
Playing "Holy Mass"
Shooting water gun at owl
Twirling in a big skirt
Throwing sand
Blind Man's Bluff
Non-specific "playing with birds"
Making hats with twigs
Blowing soap bubbles
I have no strong feelings about this activity
Climbing a fence
Play the "knot" (essentially sit cross-legged and draw your legs up to your chin?)
Fence riding (pretending the fence is a horse)
I wish I could play this now
Mock wedding
Running through gauntlet of kicking legs
Twirling hat on a stick
Playing porter
Who's got the ball?
Riding piggyback
Lighting a bonfire
Riding a broom
The "devil chained"
Run and jump on a cellar door
Pass the baton
Throwing walnuts
Spinning tops
Playing trolleys
Flying a ribbon on a stick
Whom shall I choose?
Balancing a stick on a finger
I don't think this is a game at all
Pulling hair
Shit-stirring, literal
I don't think this is a game but I would still like to do it
Shouting into a barrel
No thank you
Making a ball out of an inflated animal bladder
Morra (rock-paper-scissors)
"The Pope's seat" (interlacing your hand with someone else's hand and letting someone else sit in your hands like a chair while you parade them around)
Teetotum (spinning top)
Inscrutable, but I still want to play it
"Raisinbread man"
Coil tournament
Floating down a river holding an inflated pig's bladder
Dethroning the king
Buck buck
Inscrutable, don't want to play it
Shell bobbin (apparently "a flying spinneret made out of nut shells"?)
[Games identified here]
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