Letters From Sisygambis, Mother of Darius, to Alexander the Great
Sisygambis was the mother of Darius III of Persia, whose reign was ended during the wars of Alexander the Great. After she was captured by Alexander at the Battle of Issus, she became devoted to him, and Alexander referred to her as "mother"...On hearing of the latter's death, Sisygambis, overwhelmed with pain and despairing of the fate that loomed over her family, had herself sealed into her rooms and refused to eat. She is said to have died of grief and starvation four days later.

Dear Alexander,
Thank you very much for invading and defeating my son at the Battle of Issus. I thought you looked terrific in your armor with all of your friends around you. Next to you I thought my son Darius looked really ridiculous. I can't believe he was ever King of Kings in Persia. He did not even look like the Satrap of Armenia next to you on the field of battle. It seems to me that he has been putting the minor in Asia Minor for too long. Whereas you look like Asia Major, if you will pardon a little joke from an old woman with a terrible son who deserves no swords at all.
I do not like my son Darius at all. He has fled from the field of battle and as far as I am concerned, he has fled from being a son of mine, too. Now that you are King of Kings in Persia, if you are in the market for a royal mother, I certainly hope you will consider me. Of course a man as powerful, daring, and resolute as yourself could have any mother you want. I do not ask for special treatment, only to be considered before you make your decision. I do not think Darius III makes a very good son.
Your friend (and hopefully mother!!!)
Dear Alexander,
Just for my records, I was wondering if you would write to me and tell me how tall you are? 5'7? 5'8? I am knitting something and want to make sure that it will fit. I think 5'7 or 5'8 are both really great heights to be, especially considering the average height of men in this era. Maybe someday in the very distant future those heights will not seem especially tall, but right now, in our current milieu, I think they're really impressive and normal. I love being your mother, and always have been,
Dear Alexander,
I am sure you are busy on your campaigns in the East, so there is no need to write back until you have the time. I wanted to let you know I have had a few very friendly letters from your other mother Olympias back home. She seems really nice! Any mother of yours is a mother of mine, I always say. But I thought I would wait to write back until you said it was okay, just in case you had any particular preference. Would you say she is prettier than me? If her face is on any Macedonian money, I will keep an eye out and try to see for myself. No worries either way, and I hope every man who meets your sword dies in his heart's blood!
Dear Alexander,
Guess who your soldiers found dying in an ox-cart in Bactria? Ha ha ha! I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count. I can't believe I ever called that man my son!! It's so embarrassing!!!! Please do not feel that you have to give him a king's funeral or place his remains in the royal tombs. Just chop off whatever rings of his you like and let the dogs have the rest of him. I only wish that I could have killed him myself, so you could really see how much more I love being your mother than I ever loved being his mother. Ha ha ha! Being your mother is such a gift. I love you forever.
P.S. I am 90% sure that Darius has a daughter around here somewhere. If it would be convenient for you to marry her for whatever reason, I will find her and brush her hair, etc. Write back soon!!
Dear Alexander,
Do you remember that time we met at the Battle of Issus? When you defeated that miserable creep Darius III, who thought I was his mother for some reason? I was just thinking about it this morning. Probably you do not think about it very often, because you have defeated so many miserable creeps in battle, but it was very memorable to me. And remember afterwards, how when I was brought before your holy presence I accidentally begged Hephaestion for mercy instead of you, because he was standing a little higher up? And then I was sure my own death was in my throat, but then Hephaestion started laughing, and then you started laughing, and embraced me, and said, "You were not mistaken, Mother; this man too is Alexander," and then we were all laughing? In a lot of ways I consider my life to have begun that day. Which in some ways almost makes you my father, which is pretty funny, seeing as how I am your mother. But that's just like us! You are the king of the whole world. There is nothing you can't do, even be your mother's father if you want to. Do you want to?? I don't mind either way, but it would be nice to be even more related to you than I already am. I wish you were all my relatives. "This is my son, Alexander; this is my father, Alexander; and this is my wonderful cousin, Alexander," is how I would introduce you. And no one would be Darius, not even once. Wonderful!
You are my sunshine,
Dear Alexander,
If anything bad ever happens to you, I will never eat again. I swear to God. I hope you just kill everybody and come home soon. Don't forget, if you ever suffer for even an instant I will hold my breath until I explode. Thank you again so much for defeating my former son, Darius III, who was no good, like a bad peach. I always say that when God closes one son, he opens another. You are the best son that ever happened to me. I love you so much. Please let me know if you ever need anyone poisoned. I would be so happy to do that for you.
[Image via Wikimedia Commons]
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