Oh, Dear - I Don't Feel At All Doughty...Perhaps I Won't Joust Today

Oh, dear – I'm afraid I'm not feeling at all doughty this morning...I'm sure I couldn't produce either wonders or marvels before a sea of gentility...perhaps I ought not to joust today, after all...
I would hate to disappoint the king by failing to appear in the lists of the great tourney, my azure armor gleaming in the sun and impressing divers & sundry great ladies, whose eyes delight in prowess of arms and the doing of great deeds...I know the king is short-staffed today, and needs all the jousters he can get – but on the other hand I am really not feeling very doughty today at all, and if one is not feeling doughty one really ought not to joust...
My squire agrees that I do not look at all doughty today...my squire has a keen sense of doughtiness, and would know...
It is true that my tunic is girt with a sword as I am girt with a mighty girdle which shields its wearer from all harm...but I am not girt today with doughtiness, and without doughtiness a man cannot expect to win a joust...
I do not even feel valiant today. If I felt undoughty but somewhat valiant, I would ride. But if I received a buffet, or were sorely bled, or heard a blast on a winding horn, surely I would be unhelmed, and nowise holpen, and in the falling I might brake my thigh.
Ordinarily I am a sound and doughty knight, who brings no dishonor to any who would match him, be he Cornish or Irish or from some third country. Even French or a powerful witch. Sometimes I overcome, and sometimes am I overcome, but when I receive a hearty blow, I laugh and bless the man who gave it, and with good will and cheer offer him the winner's portion. Surely this is doughtiness, if nothing else: A desire to win, a right good spirit in loss, and a willing arm, which can give and receive both blows and courtesy.
But today...I think if I were to ride forth today, without doughtiness, I might be clave...possibly even clave in sunder, and be wounded passing sore. I should certainly be smote. And my spears might even be feutred, which I would heartily dislike. So I think I had better stay home from jousting today, and wait until I am doughty again.
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