It Pays To Switch: Monty Hall's Problem Dec 20, 2023 Ars rhetorica Someone must ferry the remaining goat and unwon car across a river. But there is a terrible cost: if the goat and the car are ever left unattended together, they will tear each other to shreds.
Tuesday Obituary on a Thursday: Leonard Cohen, Trevor Pinch Dec 14, 2023 Tuesday Obituary I’d texted Trevor that morning to let him know that Cohen had left us. His reply read “Good that he didn’t have to see this!”
Different Ways The Warrior Android Acknowledges Onscreen Deaths On Your Fantasy/Sci-Fi Limited Series Dec 13, 2023 "For every heartbeat, a footprint" or something.
Dear Businesslady: Vocation Or Panic? Dec 12, 2023 Dear Businesslady I feel like I'm at a crossroads.
"I disliked in a mild, theoretical way, women in the general term": The Not-Very-Good Transmasculine Thriller of 1903 Dec 11, 2023 Beauty "It was a charming young fellow that I had beside me, with the eyes of a woman."