a sensation of crawling, of the frames around things creeping around their contents, somehow sulking and scheming
“Ow! My nose. Ow! My face."
You cannot deny that Yosemite Sam is modeled after three defeated Gallic warriors! You simply cannot refute the evidence of your eyes.
Off-white organic forms on dark blue ground filled with creeping vines in tan showing different, dark blue, leaf and floral designs at the ends.
"Yet the average man goes into life with as little knowledge of its forces as the baby who puts its foot upon the third rail."
Amphi-pope – (See also aqua-pope,). Governs the Holy See Sea.
The sometimes-vowel ‘y’ was the hippest letter in the alphabet and Patty Burghy already had two.
A sensation rather than an emotion
Glorious: "The cat was subjected to five minutes of weightlessness."