Paintings of Icarus Ignoring Daedalus' Instructions About Flying, In Order of Not Paying Attention

"Yes, I'm listening. Gosh, but this wing looks wonderful on me, doesn't it, Papa?"
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"I don't think any of the other boys have wings half so nice as these ones, Papa, do you? No, a little higher, they look best when they're a little bit higher on me."
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"Yes, of course, I promise...I think the nicest part of flying must be how everyone has to look at you. Do you really think everyone in the whole world will be able to see us when we're up there? I certainly hope so. I don't think anyone else ever looked as good with wings on, not even birds. And yours are very nice too, Papa."
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"I'm terribly sorry, but I'm just awful with names – what did you say yours was? – Oh, Father, how funny, I must have been miles away. I think these make me look wonderfully tall. But I do wish I had another pair in blue. Do you think you could make me a pair of blue ones?"
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"Hm? Oh, yes, the sun. Got to fly into it. Oh, all right, mustn't fly into it, whichever you prefer, of course. I don't mind either way. Do you think my hair is too long right now?"
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"You know I can't concentrate when I'm trying on new clothes. I'll just do whatever you're doing up there. Birds do it every day, and I'm much smarter than a bird; I wish you wouldn't worry so much. God, I look fantastic with wings on. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the gods carries me off while we're flying, I look so fantastic. No fair coming after me if it's Apollo."
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