The Best Hand-Painted Glass Slide Bird Portraits of 1905


Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Hand painted glass slide of a Red-winged Blackbird in Klamath Marsh. Taken by Finley and Bohlman during thier 1905 trip to the area that would later help Klamath become a bird refuge in 1908.
Finley and Bohlman Slides
Audubon Society of Portland

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Hand painted glass slide of a Mallard just before it lands in Klamath Marsh. Taken by Finley and Bohlman during a 1905 photography trip to the area that would later help Klamath become a bird refuge in 1908.
Finley and Bohlman Slides
Audubon Society of Portland

Young Duckling on Oar
A Finley and Bohlman hand painted glass slide of a young duckling placed on an oar by Finley and Bohlman.
Finley and Bohlman Slides
Audubon Society of Portland

Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Hand painted glass slide of a Killdeer in flight, taken by Finley and Bohlman during a 1905 photography trip to Klamath.
Finley and Bohlman Slides
Audubon Society of Portland

White pelicans and double-crested cormorants close-up cat "Pelican Island" in Tule Lake
Hand painted glass slide of white pelicans and double-crested cormorants at "Pelican Island" in Tule Lake, Klamath Marsh.
Finley and Bohlman Slides
Audubon Society of Portland

Hand painted glass slide of Double-crested Cormorants and Caspian Terns at Tule Lake, Klamath Marsh. Taken by Finley and Bohlman during a 1905 photography vist that would later help Klamath become a bird refuge in 1908.
Finley and Bohlman Slides
Audubon Society of Portland
All images via the US Fish & Wildlife Service Photographic Archive. A bonus portrait of the photographers, via the Oregon Historical Society:

"Ellis Hadley (first in line), William L. Finley (center), and Herman Bohlman (last) wading pantsless through water to photograph a red-tailed hawk in 1902 near Portland, Or."
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