The Enemies of Dinotopia

- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia are embarrassed by Godzilla. They object to both parts of his unofficial title "King of the Monsters." They consider him vulgar. (This also applies to King Ghidorah, Mothra, Rodan, et al.) For a certain period in the 1970s there were tentative overtures between some of the citizens of Dinotopia and Godzilla, but they were never officially sanctioned. As a courtesy, the name "Godzilla" is never used in the Dinotopian embassy in Tokyo, although of course his day-to-day motions must nevertheless be accounted for. He is instead referred to by the circumlocutions "the tall gentleman" or "the gentleman downtown."
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia have conflicted diplomatic relationships with the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. They regularly condemn the violent outbursts that inevitably follow each new iteration of Jurassic Park, but at the same time strongly oppose the exhibition of any dinosaur in wildlife parks, and have on several occasions successfully rehabilitated escaped pterosaurs, going on to integrate them into Dinotopian society.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia are neutral on the actions of King Kong. Broadly speaking, it is Dinotopia's stated goal that all nations and peoples of the Earth should live in harmony, but their primary interest lies in establishing lines of communication with Skull Island's saurian species, and they consider King Kong's behavior outside of their particular jurisdiction.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia have granted ambassadorial immunity to David the Gnome and all the heirs of his body.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia have done the same for the Gargoyles of Gargoyles.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia are economic rivals with the Dragonriders of Pern. Additionally, they have condemned in the strongest possible terms the common practice among dragons of committing suicide after the death of their riders.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia have warm diplomatic relationships with the underwater kingdom of Atlantis.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia had frequent maritime skirmishes with the Serene Republic of Venice between the 11th and the 15th centuries CE.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia recognize the sovereignty of the apes from the Planet of the Apes, and that this recognition is reciprocal.
- I believe the dinosaurs of Dinotopia have voted to impose economic and diplomatic sanctions on both the Transformers and Battlebots.
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