The Pleasures of Saying "Boy, They Just Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore"

- It's pleasantly folksy-sounding, but not so folksy it becomes off-putting or makes you sound inauthentic
- Like how you sometimes seem inauthentic when you're talking to someone with a Southern accent and then you start talking with a Southern accent
- Makes you sound authoritative
- Also worldly
- Sounds like you've been around the block a few times, and it takes an awful lot to fool you
- Not everybody knows the real thing when they see it
- But you do
- By inference, they just don't make 'em like you anymore, either, since you are able to distinguish the "like that" they used to make from the "unlike that" they're making nowadays with a keen, clear, easy eye
- You remember pleasure
- And by God you're not going to let anybody pass off anything less than real, honest-to-God pleasure in front of folks who don't know better
- You're not just trying to bore young people by insisting that the old days were better than how they are now
- You're using your savoir faire and horse sense to look out for the common folk
- You're like a sheriff, but for quality and purity of experience
- Or like an old rascal who's had a lot of delighted lovers and who really knows what they're doing
- You're not a prophet here to denounce a benighted age. You don't think you're better than anybody else
- You don't know why they don't make 'em like that anymore, and you don't pretend like you know, either
- When you don't know something you own it
- All you know is they don't make 'em like that anymore
- Why? They just don't
- You're not trying to say they don't make anything good anymore either
- Maybe they do
- That's not for you to say
- You say what you know, and you don't speak on what you don't know
- And the good news is they did used to make 'em like that
- They're still around, they're just not making any more new ones
- Let's go look some of 'em over
- Boy, will their quality stand the test of time, and their eternal summer shall not fade!
- They sure did used to know how to make 'em like that!
[Image via Wikimedia Commons]
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