The Two Monks Check Their Work

MONK #1: theres more than one way to hang somebody
MONK #2: how do you mean
MONK #1: well i know the usual way
ropes and height and so on
but is there another way to do it
MONK #2: gosh im struggling to think of one

MONK #1: like maybe they just put you at the top of a very tall ladder
and the top is maybe a little pinchy...?
MONK #2: oh the ladder method!
MONK #1: the ladder method!
i knew i was thinking of something
MONK #2: no, this looks great, i like how you included both ways here
MONK #1: i wont forget it this time
sometimes they do it with ladders
MONK #1: well ive done it again
i started an archer and i was SO sure id left enough room to finish it without running into my protuberances
MONK #2: i actually think they look great together

MONK #1: youre putting me on!!
im gonna have to stop and start over
MONK #2: but why?
i think it makes him look great
it gets predictable and honestly boring if every time you start an archer you finish with an archer's legs
protuberances, though
thatll really wake everybody up!
MONK #1: do you feel like its clear whats going on here
MONK #2: i mean it looks GREAT
i love the tower, i love the little horse and its waterfall of wigs for hair, love the floating escutcheons
MONK #1: you don't think the thing she's handing him looks a little unfinished?

MONK #2: i guess it depends on what shes handing him
is it a scroll? it could kind of be a scroll, or another escutcheon
MONK #1: thats sort of my problem
i dont really know what women in towers usually hand men
MONK #2: i love the scales on the back part of the horse, too
MONK #1: all right dont get mad at me but i decided to stop and start over
MONK #2: im not mad i just think it was really good to begin with! but this looks great too
MONK #1: shes giving him a big ring with flowers on
because i think when women give men presents its usually a single concrete thing and not just a sort of representation of thing-ness
also the horse has switched to form of ladder

MONK #1: and youll notice i have added a mostly invisible knight with antlers who is floating and looking over them
MONK #2: i did notice that!
MONK #1: and hes carrying his shield in his mouth because he is also part invisible dog
his name is Ranulph the Imperceptible and he is the Duke of Swabia
MONK #2: i like him
i also like how youve done the hands for our visible man in the middle
MONK #1: oh thank you!
MONK #2: because that is what hands look like when youre climbing a ladder to receive a gift
MONK #1: so im still working on the hands motif
MONK #2: i love the big splashy hand on the fellow in blue
the webbing is so confident
MONK #1: but I just wanted to make sure i had kissing right before i sent it upstairs
MONK #2: well im no expert but i think this ticks all the boxes

MONK #1: have i made the fellow look sick enough, do you think?
MONK #2: yes he does look very ill
and he's got some cloth wrapped around his head, to hold the fever in, that's good
and i think it's right how they're both facing the viewer
MONK #1: and thats about the right color for a womans skin, you think?
MONK #2: oh i should think so
anything that matches her dress, really
MONK #2: i see that our friend Ranulph the Imperceptible has returned!
MONK #1: no Ranulph has antlers and more of a dog on his escutcheon
this is Buchard Never-Seen, of Nitra and Greater Moravia, as you can tell by the spray of peacock feathers just over his helm
i ran out of room again but i think they still look like peacock feathers
MONK #2: very much

MONK #2: youve really captured something essential about birds here i think
and how often when they look like they should be falling, that's really when they're flying the most
MONK #1: and youll notice on the bottom right ive drawn a fellow and his horse very small indeed
MONK #2: oh so you have!
whats the meaning there?
MONK #1: i havent decided yet
just came to me
MONK #2: i love it
MONK #1: there are two things i still find really tricky
and thats remembering when to draw a crown on someone
MONK #2: right, because if you do it before you finish the head, you cant finish the head
MONK #1: exactly and if i do it after the head it looks like its just floating in from a different picture
MONK #2: but it hink you nailed it this time

MONK #1: thank you!
and reins in hands, thats my other problem
its my bête noire
MONK #2: i didnt know you knew French!
MONK #1: really just bête noire is all
MONK #2: still, that's French!
MONK #1: its hardly French
MONK #2: you cant say its not French!
say it again?
MONK #1: bête noire
MONK #2: and with the accent and everything!
i think you ought to be the new French master, and im telling Father Berold later
MONK #1: i really just wanted help with the reins in the second fellow's hands!
MONK #2: they look great
and the size of your falcon and those horse's jaws are great too
say it again!!!
MONK #1: ahahhaa
bête noire
MONK #2: French!!!!
MONK #2: oh youve made one of the fellows small again!
MONK #1: yes i had such a nice time with it last time i thought id try it a second time
MONK #2: i just love it
you know i noticed the other day that people to the bottom right of things are often quite small

MONK #1: oh, had you noticed that too?
MONK #2: yes and sometimes people are very small at the top and then get bigger as they go on
MONK #1: and here he is again
MONK #2: smaller and smaller!

MONK #2: these are just getting better and better
you know you can tell the painter spoke French just by looking at this
MONK #1: !!!
MONK #1: now here ive got the crowns right at last
MONK #2: they look amazing

MONK #1: but its almost like mastering one thing knocks something out of my head because now this chessboard doesnt look right
i did a chessboard pattern floor earlier that looked amazing
MONK #2: this looks right to me
MONK #1: but surely a chessboard has more pieces than this
and it doesn't sit straight up between the fellows playing it
MONK #2: doesnt it?
MONK #1: well i thought it didn't
MONK #2: listen i think it looks fine but even if it doesnt
its probably better for a monk not to know TOO much about chess
we are not here to play games
we are here to pray 12 hours a day and draw birds into Bibles
dont lose sight of that
MONK #1: youre right
i wont
MONK #2: dont let it become your bête noir
was that the right use of bête noir this time?
MONK #1: yes thats exactly how they use it in France
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