Two Monks Invent Boats

Previously: "don't overthink it. liver, kidney, swirl, and then it's just veins and face before you're home free." Two Monks Invent Anatomy.
MONK #1: oh SHOOT I forgot to look this up before I started doing the outlines
by any chance would Britain happen to be pretty much the same size as like a single boat of Jutes
with no more than one building on it
because otherwise I am going to have to start all over
and then we are so hosed
MONK #2: boy are you in luck
MONK #1: oh thank God
youre not just putting me on or anything?
youre serious?
MONK #2: hand to God
honestly most countries are about the same size of a boat just for future reference

MONK #1: oh thats great i didn't know that
MONK #2: yeah lot of people dont know that
MONK #1: oh man
MONK #2: whats going on
MONK #1: oh man
MONK #2: whats up?
MONK #1: no im sorry
i was JUST bugging you about the size of britain
i want to be able to figure this one out by myself
MONK #2: did i ever say you needed to stop asking me questions?
MONK #1: no but like
MONK #2: im here to answer questions! thats what im here for
MONK #1: haha okay okay i get it
MONK #2: :)
MONK #1: okay but so if britain is the size of your average boat
then your average boat probably shouldnt also be the size of a whale
like they cant ALL be the same size
MONK #2: :) :) :)
MONK #1: youre kidding me
MONK #2: i am not kidding you
you just need to start believing in yourself more when it comes to guessing the size of things

MONK #1: do you think it works having the horse in the boat like this? because theres really not enough room for the horse to have a back half of its body
and i feel like horses usually do have both a front half and a back half to their body
MONK #2: i just dont want you to feel like you have to like
live up to a really serious stringent series of rules about boat representation
MONK #1: no i know
MONK #2: like at the end of the day its just a drawing of a boat
people will still get the idea
MONK #1: gosh i hope so
MONK #2: i know so :)
as long as theres a swan or a small bird in front of it i should say!!! hahaha
MONK #1: oh my gosh of course
MONK #2: hahaha
MONK #1: i definitely would not forget the bird in front

MONK #1: oh i knew i was gonna forget something today!!!
MONK #2: whats up
looks great to me
MONK #1: i forget to put in a shoreline!!!
MONK #2: what do you mean
MONK #1: the ocean just ends in this picture and then everyone is just standing on the frame or in empty space!! i didnt remember to draw land where the ocean stops and now it's too late
MONK #2: i mean this looks pretty good to me
are you sure there's always a shoreline? like 100% of the time when the ocean stops theres ALWAYS a shoreline?
MONK #1: i mean i thought i was sure
MONK #2: 100% of the time, no exceptions, everywhere? even though nothing outside of Heaven is 100% of everything because only God is perfect?
MONK #1: i guess not 100%
MONK #2: i mean it's clearly a shoreline
there's the shore
and theres a line
looks great, lets do the next page
MONK #1: i guess youre right
MONK #2: darn right im right

MONK #1: and fish are always in the water part of the sea? or sometimes in the other parts
MONK #2: what other parts
MONK #1: i dont know
sky parts
top of ship parts
MONK #2: i cant see any reason why a fish couldn't go there
i mean people are almost always on the land part of the world
but sometimes we go onto the sea in boats
so makes sense that a fish would go to the sky every once in a while too
MONK #1: oh that does make sense

MONK #1: okay i remembered to put in a shoreline this time
MONK #2: amazing!!!!
MONK #1: do you think it looks weird though
like would you look at those two textures and think "land and sea"
MONK #2: no for sure theres like
a "bulgy" quality to the sea i think youve definitely captured here
MONK #1: because sometimes it DOES bulge!!
MONK #2: yeah ive definitely heard sometimes it does bulge like that
and then the land is swirls for a while too

MONK #1: ok how do you like this for the frontispiece
MONK #2: i mean theres SO much to like about this tbh
MONK #1: !!!
MONK #2: i especially like the way you captured how everyone in a boat is always sitting and facing the same direction
thats always happening in boats

MONK #1: ok tell me what you think when you get a chance
MONK #2: oh my goodness
i am loving this!!!!
there is so much going on all over this page!!!!
MONK #1: you think its good??
MONK #2: i think its almost too good!!!
im practically committing the sin of envy looking at this
and oh my gosh whats that little red guy up to??
look at that fancy little fellow
what is he about? because he is NOT a fish to look at him
MONK #1: he is a lobster
MONK #2: i love his little cat's face
are they all like that, with the face of a cat?
MONK #1: mm i think pretty much all
MONK #2: well hes just terrific
MONK #1: yeah he's probably the most cat of all the fishes i think

MONK #1: sometimes women are absolutely huge right
MONK #2: hmm?
MONK #1: sometimes they are as big as a town
and they can just pull ships around on a string and thats how ships get around
MONK #2: i think that does happen
with Wends or something
yes that does happen if theyre Wends
or Sorbs

MONK #2: or like we talked about earlier
a small bird is also good

MONK #1: right right right
MONK #2: basically you can draw almost whatever you want
as long as you put a little bird pulling in front of it, people will understand
MONK #1: would you say people are the only things that make or ride boats?
MONK #2: things?
MONK #1: sorry i mean like
does anything living besides human beings make and ride in boats
MONK #2: oh i get you
well deer i think
and sometimes leopards make boats ive heard
MONK #1: okay
anything else?
MONK #2: oh well cows
MONK #1: oh thank goodness
MONK #2: yeah haha i dont know why i didnt say that right away
MONK #1: phew!
MONK #2: thats like the most obvious one
MONK #1: phew!!

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