Two Monks Invent Anatomy

MONK #1: how's this one
MONK #2: oh that's a LOT better
MONK #1: is it? i'm so glad
MONK #2: the important thing to remember is never to overcrowd it
MONK #1: yeah I think that's where I went wrong with the first one, trying to do too much all at once
MONK #2: exactly. don't overthink it. liver, kidney, swirl, and then it's just veins and face before you're home free.
MONK #1: i guess that's why they call anatomy the swiftest science
MONK #2: in and out by lunchtime

MONK #1: oh and the human neck is...?
MONK #2: exactly as wide as the human waist, yeah. you nailed it :)
MONK #1: amazing! i wasn't sure
MONK #2: trust your instincts!!! you know more than you think you do! science is 90% intuition and 10% heart
MONK #1: but there is not always a neck, i think i am right in remembering?
MONK #2: ?
MONK #1:the neck is optional? thusly?
MONK #2: oh yes i see

MONK #2: oh yes for a baker its fine
you could take it even further if you wanted to

MONK #2: like there's a gesture of a neck in the back but as you can see it's purely ornamental, in the front we just go straight into the arms. you can even skip the chest if you really want to for a baker
MONK #1: ok i kept it even simpler this time, just the swirl and the veins
MONK #2: that's really all that the human body is when you get down to it

MONK #1: but i did add a heart because ive been practicing heart shapes lately
MONK #2: it really shows
MONK #1: if you didn't know who this was supposed to be, what would you call the red marks in this picture?

MONK #2: blood or fire
both of which look exactly the same to me
MONK #1: oh GOOD
MONK #2: so from context clues i can tell it's blood because swords very rarely cause fire to pour out of people's skin
MONK #1: i was worried that maybe blood and fire were supposed to look different and i had missed something
MONK #2: no you're good
MONK #1: now obviously i have not been present at any childbirths besides my own
MONK #2: :)
MONK #1: but it seems to me the average output, give or take, is somewhere in the neighborhood of seven?
or is that cats?
MONK #2: it's definitely cats but I don't think it's JUST cats

MONK #1: I am 90% confident this is what kissing looks like
ive been reading about it a LOT and this pretty much incorporates all of the necessary elements
MONK #2: do you want me to take a look
MONK #1: would you? i've been putting it off but there's only so long you can justifiably tinker with something and i'd rather know now if i need to start over
MONK #2: better make it 100%

MONK #1: !!!
MONK #2: :) :) :)
MONK #1: do these murder victims look peaceful enough to you? i always have a hard time getting the serene countenance of someone who has just been murdered right
MONK #2: its a tricky balance for sure

MONK #2: this looks pretty good
i like how they're all lined up
and the gentle, smiling curve of the heads seems right to me
you have another one?

MONK #2: theres a LOT to like here
you're absolutely on the right track
and i really like how you made the murderer look sleepy and happy too
MONK #1: this kind of feels like the start of a compliment sandwich lol
MONK #2: you are getting ahead of yourself!!!
MONK #1: ahahha sorry sorry
MONK #2: i mean i think you showed it to me because on some level you also think you can take this a little further
MONK #1: ya
MONK #2: but that doesnt mean it's bad as it is now or that you need to feel self conscious about not perfectly depicting murdered peacefulness on your first two tries
MONK #1: but you think they could look more peaceful
MONK #2: i think you can draw someone more peacefully murdered than this yes
which is not a criticism!!
listen if there werent any areas we could improve as artists it would mean we were perfect
and perfection isnt the goal
youre still an incredible artist with great instincts
MONK #1: ahh tyty
MONK #2: now stop fishing for compliments and draw someone who looks like theyve been murdered RIGHT
MONK #1: <3 <3 <3
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