Know Your Popes

Regular/Catholic – Head of Catholic Church, carrier of Keys of heaven, elected by papal conclave, resident at the Vatican.
Anti-pope – Rival claimant to Bishopric of Rome without legitimate election. Often centered at Avignon.
Amphi-pope – (See also aqua-pope,). Governs the Holy See Sea.
Bottom-pope – third-generation heavy pope, with a charge of -1/3 e
Charm-pope – second-generation elementary pope
Counter-pope – A theorized, unseen "counter-pope" which revolves around regular pope from the center of the cosmos every 24 hours.
Athwart-pope – Sometimes confused with counter-pope; located squarely across the papal path.
Demi-pope – Half-pope; combines most of the classic traits characteristic of both papal and human races. Not to be confused with semi-pope (only pope half of the time).
Deuter-pope – Backup pope
Down-pope – Second-lightest pope
Extro-pope – Public-facing pope
Hecto-pope – Colloquially known as "the Hundred-pope"
Hyper-pope – The pope, but very fast
Intra-pope – The pope's pope
Nano-pope – Small pope
Peri-pope – Papal sheath enclosing original pope
Quasi-pope – Anti-predator adaptation whereby a non-papal figure has evolved to resemble the pope as a beneficial inherited trait
Quadru-pope – Every fourth pope is thirty percent larger and covered in a crystalline exoskeleton
Strange-pope – Third lightest pope, also known as sideways pope
Sub-pope – Pope of mines, labyrinths, basements, cellars, caves, etc
Top-pope – Sometimes called truth-pope, largest of all observed popes
Under-pope – Pope of small things
Up-pope – Lightest of all popes
[Image via]
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